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Book contents

Mindful Equitation

Claudia Diana Eichler

Anker 1
Anker 2
Anker 3

Basics - Basics

Posture and movement function through information and control

15 functional exercises to train body awareness, mobility, strength and coordination

Fit in 15 weeks - a healthy mind lives in a healthy body

Body areas: from large to small - specials

To improve the interaction between body and mind:

​Specific body control exercises in complex functional chains

Equestrian-specific individual exercises to train selective posture and movement qualities with the aim of promoting permeability and suppleness

Pelvis and legs - instinctive communication


Torso, breathing and arms - you can only see well with your heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.

(Antoine de St. Exupery)

Head and Neck - The head is round to allow thought to change direction.

(Francis Picabia)

Limitations of the body system - Limits

From Restrictions can create opportunities through acceptance-

Information about specific illnesses

Pelvis/lumbar spine/legs

Damage to the vertebral segments: intervertebral disc damage, narrowing of the neuroforamen, spinal canal stenosis, spondylolisthesis

Disorders of the pelvic region: SI joint twists, abdominal incisions after operations, fractures, hip joint dysplasia, antetorsion variants, varus-valgus of the femoral neck, weakness of the pelvic leg stabilizers

Muscle injuries: muscle soreness, myofascial shortening/tension

Knee joint disorders, movement deficits in the joints between the fibula and tibia,

Foot misalignments: hollow, fallen, arched, splayed and equinus feet


Trunk: Postural damage and weaknesses: kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis. Thorax deformities: funnel chest, chicken breast, rib hump and rib valley

Respiratory diseases: asthma, chronic bronchitis

Immune deficiencies and allergies, problems with the shoulder girdle

Head and cervical spine:

Commotio cerebri (concussion) / contusio cerebri (brain contusion), skull base problems, visual disturbances: nearsightedness and farsightedness

Temporomandibular joint disorders: Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) / myoarthropathies

Biomechanical disorders of the upper head joints, damage to the vertebral segments: intervertebral disc damage, neuroforamen narrowing

Post-traumatic stress disorder/bipolar disorder/anxiety control

Autistic Spectrum Disorder / ADHD / ADD, Anorexia Athletica

Training aids: tools for body optimization - tools

Discussion of training aids as supportive, predictable training devices for automation and prevention

Tub trainer, exercise ball, balance stool, balance chair, balance cushion (Balimo, Capisco etc.), EVOLUTION

"Back to Roots", riding simulators Anky Free Rider, horse riding, riding simulators with coaching

Equipment for the horse - equipment

Saddle philosophies 

Bridle: bit versus bitless

Anker 4
Anker 5
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